How Cloud Integration Can Increase Business Productivity

How Cloud Integration Can Increase Business Productivity


If you are looking to increase productivity or give your customers a better experience, then Cloud Integration is your key next move. Look at our 3 simple ways you can change the face and dynamics of your business by smart working.

What is Cloud Integration?

Cloud Integration or Cloud-Surfing is simply combining databases together to operate as a single IT infrastructure, once combined they can then be accessed by multiple devices from various locations over a network or via the internet. Without Cloud Integration, IT administrators need to perform each integration task separately and manually, a process that is time consuming and increases to opportunity for errors to be made.

1. Saving You Money and Time

A benefiting factor of Cloud Integration is saving businesses money and time.  Increasing productivity and freeing up employee’s time by using this system will be cost effective to the business.

For example, an employee will have to ask a series of questions to a customer that’s calling to establish their details and reason for call. This increased workload can add an extra minute to each call, multiply that by the daily number of customer calls and this soon amounts up to a loss of money and resource throughout the day.

The modern cloud contact centre solves this issue, therefore when a call handler receives the initial call from a customer, they already have the critical information in advance to be able to handle the call efficiently.  Knowing this information gives a customer a better overall experience and saves the company vital minutes and money.

2. Mobility – Access from any location

Accessing your business from any location is something that is becoming a vital tool, as we have all learnt over the past year with current events. Working from home, your office and on the go, plays a big part in running your business effectively.  Solutions like Amazon Chime can make it work effectively. Amazon Chime is a communications service that lets you meet, chat, and place business calls inside and outside your organisation, all using a single application.  Voice Connector supports inbound calling, outbound calling, or both.

Communication in Real-Time

When communication breaks down productivity suffers and engagement drops, with cloud based real-time communication this ensures all staff and managers are working together to produce the best outcome for the business.

Most companies will require out of office work at some point, with Real-Time it ensures a smooth flow of information between employees working in different roles.  Main­tain­ing open lines of com­mu­ni­ca­tion is an essen­tial way of build­ing trust between employ­ees and man­agers.  It is also crit­i­cal to estab­lish­ing and main­tain­ing a high lev­els of employ­ee engage­ment. 

Other ways Real-Time can benefits companies are as follows:

  • Keeping goals and targets on track
  • Socialisation with colleagues means increased morale
  • Keeping employees up to date with new company developments
  • Feedback and recognition can be given
  • Increase of trust between employees and managers

3. Innovation That Nurtures Collaboration

We now have technology which help coordinate teams and train them to increase productivity. Today’s software tools can help businesses become more effective and run smoothly. Time tracking software is a great tool for mapping out where time is spent and what is slowing the process down. This software helps to identify opportunities to improve where time is spent in the business. There is also CRM systems and task management tools to help with process improvement and productivity.

Cloud Integration improves Productivity

Using cloud-based solutions ensure workflows run as effectively and smoothly as possible, driving productivity and saving money and time.  The programs and processes you can access when you utilise the cloud are often more advanced and efficient than those you could afford on your own. If you choose the right provider, your programs will also be more reliable and always kept up to date. This leads to enhanced productivity overall.

Date: August 9, 2021

Author: Morris

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